Demand delivery to Mr Shakil

On Thursday March 8th NSN took part in its first action. 18 people assembled in town at lunchtime hoping to collectively present a demand from an ex tenant to his landlord for the full repayment of a wrongfully withheld deposit. This was to take place at his place of work, e.on customer services. The tenant entered the building and asked at reception for the landlord to come down to the lobby, with the plan being the rest of the group would enter to support the hand over the letter. Unfortunately during this exchange security became aware of the supporters positioned down the street and proceeded to close the entrance to the building.

During we were informed that the landlord no longer worked there as of 3 weeks ago. Due to him being an agency worker they did not have contact details for him and were unsure of the legality of informing us which agency supplied him. They have promised to forward on the demand letter to the landlord via this agency.

NSN will be meeting again on Thursday to decide what further courses of action to proceed with.

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